Step 1: Create user accounts for new Front Desk staff and Assistants
To add a user account for a new staff member, under Management, select HR > Onboarding.
- Note: Owner-level permissions are required to add staff user accounts. If you need Owner-level permissions, please contact your practice manager. If you are the practice manager but you do not have owner-level permissions, contact the practice owner.
From the 'Hiring' page, select +Add Employee in the top right corner of the screen.
- Note: The list on HR > Hiring will only display accounts during onboarding. Once a user has completed onboarding, they will disappear from the HR > Hiring page. After new staff user has completed onboarding, you can manage that users account from the staff directory by navigating to Library > Staff (see below).
Next, fill in the contact information for your staff user. Each user account requires a unique email address.
Note: Accounts for Doctors and Hygienists are automatically imported generated via PMS integration. To add a Doctor or Hygienist, find their name of the provider and click the edit symbol [✎], and then enter the email address. (you will not need to click '+Add Employee' to add a Doctor or Hygienist.)
Select 'Send Invite' to send an invitation to your staff users to activate their account with default Employee Level permissions. Or, Press 'Continue' to move on to configure custom account permissions.
Step 2: Choose a 'Permissions Set' for the User
Permissions sets, also called "Employee levels" determine whether or not a staff user will have access to specific admin features. There are three 'Employee Levels' in TeamCare that determine the permissions on staff user accounts.
'Owner': For practice owners and operators who need access to all functionality and data available in TeamCare. Owners have access to all functionality in TeamCare.
Owner abilities:
- Adjusting monthly goals
- Exporting data on treatments and ledger transactions
- Configuring incentives, wages, and commissions
- Add user accounts for other Owners and Managers
Note: The abilities above are Owner-only. However, Owner abilities can be requested by Managers to be approved by the Owner. Employees cannot request permissions.
'Manager': For staff that manage practice operations but do not need full owner-level permissions.
Managers abilities:-
- Add staff user accounts for Employees (but not Managers/Owners)
- Self-select access to Practice-level resources
- Request permission to Restricted resources
'Employee': For the majority of staff members.
Employee abilities:-
- Select-select email notification settings
- Access the mobile app for iOS and Android.
Step 3: Review Dashboard Access (Option to Customize)
After selecting the 'Employee Level,' practice managers (with Employee Level: Owner) can adjust account-level access to specific Dashboards.
Step 4: Send Invitation to 'Activate Account'
After configuring the user's permissions, scroll down and select Send Invite to send an email to the user with a link to activate their account.
When the invitation is sent, the staff user will receive email with a link for account activation with subject line: "You have been invited to TeamCare"
In the email, there is a blue Accept Invitation button that prompts the user to create a password.
After entering a password, the user will press Claim Account and be automatically logged in.
Step 6: Upgrading/DownGrading Staff Permissions (Optional)
After a new user account is activated, the account will be visible Staff Directory. To access the staff directory, click Library > Staff
For employees that need full access to all parts of the system, select the Admin tab from the user profile in the staff directory, then select Owner from the drop down menu for 'Employee Level'
If needed, adjust staff access to specific metrics and reports using the 'Dashboards' section
Troubleshooting: Password Resets
TeamCare provides self-service password reset functionality.
To reset your password, select 'Forgot my password?' from the login screen
Next, enter the email address for the account and select '
- Note: If a user experiences technical issues after following the instructions below, please email to submit a support request.
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